Dream: Back door escape
I was at a party or movie hosted by the chairman of the company and found myself often in a huge room with colourful patterned walls in the back behind which was a, similarly designed, not particularly well-kept bathroom I kept finding myself in. You couldn’t see the door once you were in there, and I discovered there was a back door that led to a bus stop where I could catch a bus that would take me directly home.
I also saw a movie that appeared to be about one or two accomplished inventors, but toward the end, after the setup had been to make you feel good about them, it is revealed they invented some kind of bomb, chemical, or other device that was horribly destructive. I would see a human face being peeled apart over and over again, almost like an onion, and would keep escaping into the odd bathroom and wondering if I could find the back door again to catch a bus.
I also dreamed of being a big, old, meandering house and of finding a photo of my three aunts together, only it struck me as odd that they all had white or grey hair. I showed it to someone in the family, and he said, “They’re all in the living room.” “But two of them are gone. At least I am certain one is . . .” Yet there they were, just like in the photo, all with white or grey hair. I felt something was wrong.
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