Category Archives: Video
Two tigers: More Puppet Bike
Puppet Bike and the two tigers are the cure for SAD, the winter doldrums, and whatever else ails you and the world.
Laughter is the best medicine
If laughter is the best medicine, then donating to Puppet Bike is good for your health, as you can see in this video.
Puppet Bike video
Everyone loves Puppet Bike. (If you don’t, regain your humanity!)
More later.
Autumn is on the way
I am not feeling very well, but the weather tried to cheer me up.
Bayeux Tapestry, animated
Battle at Kruger
Watch this one, Mr. Wolf.
Riders on the storm
Caught this as a storm built up from the west during an hour’s time. It’s coming down now in horizontal sheets, with lots of great lighting and sound effects. Time to curl up and read.
Edit: It became much more violent later. At one point there were 5–6 nearly simultaneous flashes.