Dan Ryan Woods aqueducts, this time with water
May 8, 2022
When I first visited the Dan Ryan Woods aqueducts in autumn, they were dry, so I wanted to go back in spring when there was more likely to be water. According to the Forest Preserves of Cook County, “The limestone aqueducts at Dan Ryan Woods were constructed by the CCC to prevent water from washing away soil on the steep ridges. Visitors can still walk alongside the aqueducts as they wind their way through the woods south of 87th St.” The aqueducts are one of my favorite things in Chicago.

So both NYC (the Old Croton Aqueduct) and Chicago have walkable aqueducts. Like secret passageways through cities!
There are a couple of aqueducts along the I&M Canal. The Little Vermillion Aqueduct has a side deck for walking. I always meant to get back there (it’s in LaSalle, west of Starved Rock).
The Dan Ryan Woods aqueducts are babies by comparison. But beautiful. Normally I wouldn’t want the interference with geology, but Chicagoans have to protect the little high ground they have.