
Book review: Tropic of Capricorn — 2 Comments

  1. I was beginning to feel I was going crazy, so I’m glad to find another human being sharing my opinion. So much muck in between these islands of beauty. I nearly abandoned the book. Now I’m skipping through some pages, trying to get closer to the end, because the over-descriptive sex scenes were just unbearable sometimes.

  2. Great review. I’m sure something is lost in time wherein the exploration of the seedy side of human sexuality has lost its novelty. And the author’s fascination with himself as artist is distracting. It starts wonderfully poetic, has some masterful language throughout and could have been at least 100 pages shorter. The sex scenes were gratuitous without redemption and only the briefest mention of being “born of a wound” which if explored could have tied otherwise random recounts of exploits with meaning. He was likely rebelling against such form and I appreciate that to a point, but found myself skimming pages to get to something of significance. Worth reading at least passages within, no doubt a genius, if not haunted mind, also obsessed with himself as artist.

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